Where did Andy Warhol, Basquiat, and their ilk get all the supplies they needed for their art projects? How does Banksy keep himself stocked in spraypaint? For artists in New York, these supply stores have become second homes.
A picture-perfect art supply store in the neighborhood with the biggest art scene in the city (SoHo has become the new Chelsea in that regard), Soho Art Materials has everything for the painter, sketch artist, and every other type of graphic art you can imagine.
7 Wooster StTop notch staff can guide you through their comprehensive collection of products. Though they maybe a chain, with stores all over these United States, aside from the seven retail branches in the city, this is a store for artists of all stripes, and is not for the suburban crafty ...
1-5 Bond Street (bet. Broadway and Lafayatte)The Ink Pad is a full service shop located in the heart of Greenwich Village, with a friendly and knowledgeable staff and a multitude of stamps and accessories for your stamping pleasure. We sell custom made stamps and can ship any of our products worldwide.
37 7th Ave (at 13th Street)Students around the city know DaVinci provides wide selection of material at affordable prices. Popular spot for other creatives in search of wide range of tools and reasonable prices.
132 West 21st Street